1. What is China Ceramics' core business?
China Ceramics is a leading manufacturer of ceramic tiles in China. The Company's ceramic tiles are used for exterior siding, interior flooring, and design in residential and commercial buildings.
2. What are China Ceramics' ticker symbol, exchange, and CUSIP?
China Ceramics' common stock is traded on the NASDAQ Global Market under the symbol "CCCL." The CUSIP number is G2113X100 for the common stock.
3. When was China Ceramics founded?
China Ceramics was incorporated as a company with limited liability under the laws of the PRC on September 30, 1993.
4. How many of the Company's shares are outstanding?
As of June 30, 2014, there were approximately 20.4 million common shares outstanding (weighted average, under the Treasury Stock Method). Approximately 2.2 million shares are currently held in escrow for release in future periods.
5. When is the next earnings release?
China Ceramics' quarterly earnings reports are tentatively scheduled to be released six weeks following a quarter-end and twelve weeks following the year-end. All earnings releases are posted on our website.
6. What is China Ceramics' fiscal year and corresponding quarter-end dates?
We operate on a fiscal year that runs from January 1 to December 31. Quarter-ends are: March 31 (Q1), June 30 (Q2), September 31 (Q3) and December 31 (Q4).
7. How can I get on an e-mail list to receive all press releases?
To automatically receive e-mail alerts for the information categories that interest you, please click on E-mail Alerts.
8. Who is China Ceramics' outside investor relations firm?
Precept IR is our outside Investor Relations firm. The primary contact is David J. Rudnick
at +01 917-864-8849 / e-mail: David.Rudnick@preceptir.com David.Rudnick@preceptir.com.
9. Who is China Ceramics' independent Certified Public Accountant?
Crowe Horwath (HK) CPA Limited is China Ceramics¡¯ independent auditor.
10. Who is China Ceramics' outside legal counsel?
Loeb & Loeb is China Ceramics' outside legal counsel.
11. How many employees does China Ceramics have?
As of December 31, 2014, we had 1,606 employees.
12. Who is China Ceramics' transfer agent?
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company currently acts as China Ceramics' transfer agent. 17 Battery Place, New York, NY 10004, (212) 509-4000.